Pottawattamie County Housing Trust Fund, Inc.    

Pottawattamie County Housing Trust Fund, Inc. is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization whose primary funding comes in the form of grants from the Iowa Finance Authority with matching funds from local sources including, but not limited to, Iowa West Foundation, local banks and individuals. Funds are allocated annually to organizations or individuals that serve the housing needs of low to moderate income residents within Pottawattamie County, Iowa.

To be considered for funding, proposed projects must be eligible under the State Housing Trust Fund Program and meet one or more of the PottCoHTF’s objectives:

• Rental Housing, including rehabilitation, new construction, emergency housing, transitional housing and permanent supportive housing.
• Education of potential renters and owners.
• Home-ownership assistance, including direct assistance, rehabilitation and new construction.
• Owner occupied housing rehabilitation

A local housing trust fund must satisfy several requirements to be certified, including:

  • Organizational, governing, and public hearing requirements;
  • Designating affordable housing as its primary purpose;
  • Demonstrated support from local partners;
  • Creation of a housing assistance plan approved by IFA which, among other requirements must address housing needs of extremely low income households and the continuum of housing needs throughout the area; and
  • Identify current and future local funding activities.

Please review the Housing Assistance Plan in the Resources tab for more information about PottCoHTF.